Success Stories
“Our family can’t thank Anne enough for her consistent support, knowledge and her ease at helping our daughter learn to sleep. Anne helped my husband and I to read our daughters cues in order for us to gently support our daughter in learning to fall asleep. We had to learn to let go a little in order for Penelope to help herself. At first my husband were hesitant and we couldn’t seem to find a time to really buckle down for this until we decided it was time for all of us to try this plan since no other plan worked that we tried. We finally told Anne it was time and after a few weeks of the sleep shuffle Penelope surprised us by sleeping through the night! Any time we needed advice or needed an answer to a question Anne was right there any time! Anne, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
– Jennifer, mother of 18 month old
“My husband and I came to Anne because my son was sleeping in our bed and getting up between 3-4 times a night to nurse at 6 months old. We knew we needed help but weren’t sure what to do. We found all the books too confusing and other sleep consultants didn’t seem as qualified or as professional. Anne told us that if we could hold out until our son was 6 months old and get the approval from his doctor, that we would get the best results. She was completely right.
Anne knew I still wanted to nurse at night and that we couldn’t tolerate much crying. She built that into our sleep plan. We tackled nights first, then naps so we weren’t overwhelmed. She also took the time to explain sleep science. I had no idea how much sleep my son actually needed. Anne made herself available via email, text and phone for those moments when we needed her.
We saw significant improvement in 1 week and our lives were completely different a month later. Our son has a regular bedtime that he dictated to us once we learned to read his sleepy cues. He sleeps in his crib through the night with no wake ups to nurse. He take 2-3 naps a day on a regular schedule. I never thought we would get here. I hope that I will never need to work with Anne again but if I do, I won’t hesitate to reach out.”
– Gina, mother of 18 month old
“Our baby girl was waking up every 30-60 minutes all night long. I fell into a habit of nursing her back to sleep, even though she wasn’t hungry, and she would scream and cry if I didn’t give her my nipple to fall back asleep. I wasn’t sleeping at all and neither was my husband. We didn’t want to let her “cry it out” but we didn’t know how to break this cycle. Anne met with us and helped us develop a plan that we were comfortable with, that fit with our family, and with our situation. (She was supportive of our Montessori floor bed and helped us create a plan that allowed us to continue with what we believed in.) We were AMAZED at the results. Within a few days, our baby learned to put herself to sleep without nursing, and with little crying. She started sleeping 11 hours a night. Our lives completely changed with this sleep plan. I was skeptical and nervous at first to try something new, but with Anne’s guidance, knowledge, phone calls, and emails she helped us feel confident in what we were doing, which led to a successful transition for our whole family. We would highly recommend Anne to any family who wants to get more sleep!”
– Alison, mother of one
“We put off sleep training for a long time. It seemed selfish to us – We thought that if our daughter wanted to eat in the middle of the night (or several times during the night) that we should follow her lead and for as long as we could. She is on the thin side and we wanted to make sure we fed her at every opportunity. And she was a pretty happy baby, then toddler, so we thought she was getting enough sleep, despite her difficult and unpredictable naps and nighttime sleep. We thought maybe our daughter was one of the rare children that didn’t need that much sleep and we should just suffer through it… but by the time she was ~15 months old, we just couldn’t keep it up anymore and decided to try sleep training. We had about 6 books on the topic but not enough time to read them and really liked the idea of having a consultant to provide follow up advice, specific to our situation and our child. We did some research online and contracted Anne Grier / Peaceful Sleep Solutions.
My children now nap consistently, go to sleep easier, wake less often and sleep later in the morning. Anne was so complimentary of my parenting efforts and sympathetic to my challenges, I trusted her with the well being of my family and she was able to give us the gift of sleep!”
– Erin, mother of two
“Anne was instrumental in helping us guide our 5 year old daughter back to her previous peaceful sleep patterns. After 5 months of tough nights at bedtime, wake-ups throughout the night, and no success with any other methodologies, we were feeling discouraged and exhausted. After my initial call with Anne, I had a glimmer of hope because she listened to exactly what was going on and did not advocate a “one size fits all” solution. She was kind, patient, calming and always remained positive throughout. We felt incredibly supported and Anne never gave any indication that there would not be success in the end. Her compassionate, steady and responsive approach was exactly what we needed and had not encountered anywhere else. We would recommend Anne without any hesitation.”
– Kathy, mother of two
“Anne did an in-home consult with us and phone and email follow ups. I was rather skeptical at first; it really seemed far-fetched that I at the end of about 10 days, I could put my daughter in her crib awake, leave the room, and that she would go to sleep on her own. And I doubted my ability to get through the inevitable crying in the beginning. But my husband was more optimistic, so we tried Anne’s approach and followed the steps as closely as we could, getting advice and support from Anne along the way. There was a fair bit of crying the first few nights, but that got much better quickly. Our daughter did learn to put herself to sleep, which I’ve come to realize is a wonderful gift. I’d say within 2 weeks or so of starting Anne’s approach, our daughter was sleeping through the night consistently. Pretty soon after that she started napping more consistently too. She now sleeps 10-11 hours at night and naps for 1.5 – 2.5 hours each day and life is genuinely better for all of us. She’s getting more rest and generally doesn’t get overtired during the day or too worked up at night. Bedtime is no longer a giant struggle. We’re getting more sleep and our daily schedule is predictable, which is really so wonderful. I couldn’t be happier with how Anne has helped us to improve our daughter’s sleep and our quality of life. I can’t recommend Anne and Peaceful Sleep Solutions enough!”
– Julie, mother of one
“Anne was a lifesaver for our family. I turned to Peaceful Sleep Solutions when my 9 month old would not sleep anywhere except with me and I was pregnant with my second. We needed help fast and Anne was right there for us. She was extremely knowledgable, patient and helped us help our son learn to sleep on his own. We even called on her again for our second when we were ready to start her sleep training. It was just great to hear her voice and have her help us feel confident in the choices we were making. This can be a trying time for parents and calling Anne just felt like a nice warm hug! I would recommend her and her services for all parents who are looking for help with there little ones :)”
-Stephanie, mother of two
“My husband and I are so pleased that we hired Anne! As new parents we didn’t realize how important healthy sleep habits were from the beginning. At 8 months old our daughter was not on any type of sleep schedule and was waking frequently thru the night. Sleep deprivation was catching up with us so we turned to Anne for support. She helped us get our daughter on a nap and bedtime routine. Anne knew that we didn’t feel comfortable letting our baby cry-it-out. There were barely any tears involved while sleep training our baby. This really was a peaceful sleep solution! Now we are on track and our baby is sleeping thru the night by 9 months old! Anne was amazing to work with. She is so sweet, positive, knowledgable, supportive, and professional. This was a great learning experience for us! My family is no longer sleep deprived! We highly recommend Anne to anyone who is looking to get their child on a healthy sleeping plan!”
-Kim, mother of one
“We are a new family after working with Anne. She and her sleep solutions saved us! After months of dealing, on our own, with our emotional toddler and her very messy bedtime (lots of vomiting), not to mention, our preschooler who wouldn’t let us leave the room until he was fast asleep, we called Anne in desperation. We were skeptical…how could bedtime ever be peaceful?? It was so stressful and challenging!…but within weeks Anne had us all sleeping soundly, without the fights, negotiations, crying or mess!”
– Jenny, mother of two
“Anne was such a huge help to our entire family as we adjusted to life with an emotional toddler and a newborn. We were worn down and needed a ‘coach’ to encourage us to make small changes that would make a big difference. Her suggestions were easy to incorporate and made a big impact in our daily lives.”
-Mia, mother of two
“As a new mom I didn’t realize the importance of healthy sleep habits right away. When our baby girl was one month old if we didn’t help her to sleep she would be awake all day long, which was of course making her quite fussy. Once I figured out that she needed to be sleeping throughout the day I turned to Anne for guidance on healthy sleep habits. Since then Anne has been an incredible support. She has given me wonderfully helpful information on how long and at what times my baby should sleep, how to lengthen her naps, how to begin to train her to put herself to sleep, and how to transition her into her crib from her bassinet. Thanks to Anne, my daughter is well on her way to being able to put herself to sleep and we have had a relatively easy time transitioning her into her own room with very little crying involved. Not only that but Anne’s support and encouragement has given me confidence in what I am doing to promote healthy sleep habits with my daughter. In addition to being very knowledgeable about gentle sleep training techniques, Anne is a wealth of knowledge about all things baby (she has had three of her own!) and has been able to answer so many of my questions and direct me to other great resources as well. I would highly recommend Anne for anyone with questions or concerns regarding children and sleep as I have learned how important sleep is, especially for babies. “
– Kristin, mother of one
“We experienced a difficult time with our 5 month old daughter Katharina. She was restless during the day and didn’t take regular naps. During bedtime and at night she was crying a lot and consequently didn’t sleep well and not nearly enough. We were really stressed out and worried, so we turned to Anne for help. We had a consultation on the phone and even had her come over to experience first hand what was going on during bedtime. After discussing our sleep problem in detail Anne gave us a lot of useful advice and told us about some tips and tricks that would help us establish a reasonable sleep schedule for Katharina. Anne’s suggestions really were the foundation for all the progress we have made so far. Katharina now takes her naps regularly during the day and the nights, too, are getting better and better. We are indefinitely grateful for the help she provided and we loved the gentle approach she encouraged us to try to nudge Katharina to become a well rested and happy baby and restore the family peace. We would also like to point out that Anne provided email support for several weeks after the consultations free of charge, a really outstanding service. We could tell that she really cared about us and our sleep problem and we felt she made it her personal goal to help us out of the situation, when we simply weren’t able to do so on our own. Especially for me, the Mom, Anne provided the support and reassurance I needed. She brought self esteem and confidence back to our family and we can’t thank you enough for your support Anne!”
– Judith, Chris & Katharina
“After several attempts to sleep train my toddlers myself, I gave in and called for help. I am so glad I called Anne! My boys now share a room, fall asleep by themselves and sleep peacefully through the night. Anne gave me a manageable plan and was on hand to support me throughout the entire process. My only regret is not calling sooner. Thank you!!”
– Merrill, mother of 2
“I started working with Anne when my older son, Luke, was about 16 months old. Around his one year birthday he had started waking up between 4:30-5 every morning. I was pregnant with our second son, Braden, at the time and the early mornings were just getting to be too much for me. Anne spent so much time listening to me explain everything about Luke, his daily schedule, bedtime rituals, etc. Then she gave me different tips to try. The first morning after I talked to Anne, Luke slept until 7:30! He went back and forth for a bit, sometimes sleeping until 6:30-7, sometimes waking up early again. Anytime I had an issue I would email Anne and she always wrote back right away with more help and advice. Anne not only helped me with Luke but everything she taught me helped me teach my second son how to be a better sleeper. Luke now sleeps from 8pm-7am every night and Braden sleeps from 7pm-6:30am. And, Braden was sleeping from 10pm-7am at only 2 months old! I would highly recommend Anne as a sleep coach! She was so easy to talk to, very prompt with responding to my questions and stuck by me through the highs and lows!”
– Caitlin, mother of 2

Children are not born knowing how to put themselves asleep, it is a skill that they must LEARN.
As a registered nurse and a mother of three I know how valuable sleep is!
I can help you gently change your child’s sleep habits so that your whole family can get the sleep they need. No child or situation is the same so together we will customize a plan that feels comfortable to you.
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